Saturday, 28 February 2015

*** Mission India-ism

*** Mission India-ism Movement first gains seen in the Parliament by saying ‘Indian First”….!
*** Dr. Milind P. Jiwane 
National Chairman, Civil Rights Protection Cell 
Yesterday, the day it is historic day for the people of India that the orthodoxy related movement Government Chief means the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi has given reply on the motion of thanks to the President’s address in Lok sabha. He said, “Communalism for political reasons has destroyed the country, Hearts have been broken. My Government’s only religion is ‘India First’ my Government‘s only religious book is ‘Indian Constitution, our only devotion is ‘India Feeling’ and our only prayer is “Welfare of All.” Further he said, “Nobody has the rights to discriminate on the basis of religion…. No one has the right to take law into his hands.” This statement of Prime Minister of India Mr. Modi is a miracle in the Indian History. Not a single past Prime Minister of India has taken initiative to such a speech on this issue in the clear form.  
Definitely Mr. Modi’s statement assumes significance as he has been under attack over certain communal remarks made by some BJP and RSS parivar leaders besides attacks on Churches. His further statement that.” The nation is full of diversity. We are for unity in diversity, not disunity. All religions should flourish. It is the uniqueness of India because of its Constitution. We want to take the nation forward within the frame work of the Constitution.”
On the other hand, RSS Chief Dr. Mohan Bhagwat accepting diversity has been a unique quality of Indians during the function of death anniversary of Vinayak Sawarkar at Mumbai. Further he said,” We never forced anyone to change their worship habits. Religion does not mean Puja. It is a combination of character and responsibilities. The country did little to recognize his contribution to nation building.” I don’t dare to say that the opinions of Dr Bhagwat will change very easily. But as compared to others past RSS Chiefs’ opinion is concerned, Dr Bhagwat is so liberal, it can’t be denied. There is a needed effort to make changing their mentality and line of actions. We should work for this mission in peaceful and Buddha’s way. Only criticism is not the proper solution to change anyone else. There is needed to show our line of action is right, successful, welfare for all and proper one as compared to their way for the nation building.
Already from last two years, I am working for spreading the “Mission India-ism.” I presented the definition of India-ism as “The feelings of I am Indian First & Indian Last is India-ism.” This is my very simple definition of India-ism. As you know, Dr B R Ambedkar said that “I am Indian First & Indian Last.” Not a single leader of India, who seems to be real nationalist. Dr Ambedkar’s dedication, devotion, action is seem to be nationalist.
From last 68 years, neither Congress nor BJP has given justice to them till today. The bungalow of Dr Ambedkar in Mumbai named “Raj Griha” still not to be converted as a “National Monument”   after passing the 50 years. A simple problem could not solved in Congress Raj even BJP Raj. The said issue of New Delhi’s bungalow, 26 Alipore Road is concerned. Neither Congress nor BJP has declared the New Delhi Dr Ambedkar’s Bungalow as a “National Monuments.”  What a respect awarded by our past and current political generation. Not only this, where our “Constitution Debate” for the approval of “Future Constitution of India” has been discussed, the said monuments is converted into “Officer Wine Club” in Kasturaba Marg, New Delhi. There is only a stone planted their and written that “This is the place where constitution debate was going on.” What a shameful action done by our ruler of India. Last two year before, I sent representation to Government to convert the said building as a “National Monument’ by forming “Dr. Ambedkar International Constitution, Law & Research Academy.” But no action has been taken by the Indian ruler. It is shameful issue is that, why not came by true Ambedakrites political leaders, social leaders to make agitation against the ruler’s wrong policies.
Friends, can I expect your practical involvement for spreading the “Mission of India-ism.” it is created by the inspiration of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Only Babasaheb is “Father of India-ism.” It is why; we should work for spreading “I am Indian First and Indian Last” mission on large level. At last, we expect from the Mr. Modi’s Government to form “Ministry of Indian Spirit Development” for the spreading of nationality feelings.

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