Saturday 31 January 2015

The Budddhist International School Nagpur Annual Day celebrated...

Annual Function is celebrating by the Buddhist International School, CBSE Pattern Branch No. 18, Vidya Nagar, Nagpur on January 29-30, 2015, whose managment trustee is Sushant Gajghate working in Japan. Its Chairman is P R Dhale Sir, Aurangabad. The inauguration ceremony has been organized on January 29, 2015 at 3.30 PM. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Inauguration : Hon. D P Vyas & Mrs. Rekha Vyas
* Chairperson - Dr. Milind Jiwane (National Chairman, Civil Rights Protection Cell)
* Chief Guests : Vijaypal Awale,
Yuwaraj Bhange
Raju Vaidya
Yashodhara Fulzele
* Guest of Honors : Sumant Ganwir
Nitin Ganer
Sadanand Jamgade
Mamata Ganwir
* With best compliments From :
Sonali Meshram (Principal)
Ayu. Pande
Mrs. Babhare
Mrs. Dolekar &
School Management

The Buddhist International Schhol's Annual Day celebrated under chairperonship of Dr. Milind Jiwane, Inaugurated by Mr & Mrs, D P Vyas, Vijaypal Awale, Yuwaraj Bhange Raju Vaidya Yashodhara Fulzele ,Sumant Ganwir Nitin Ganer Sadanand Jamgade Mamata Ganwir

Dr. Milind Jiwane, Mr D P Vyas, Yuwaraj Bhange Raju Vaidya sitting ....

*** Shankarrao Dhengre , GS of The Buddhist Society of India Felicitated ........

*** Shankarrao Dhengre , GS of The Buddhist Society of India Felicitated ........
The Buddhist Society of India's Vidarbha Pradesh General Secretary Ayu. Shankararo Dhengre, who just retired from National Sample Survey Organization, Govt of India from Administrative Officer post.Ayu. Dhengre always participated in Dhamma as well as Social movement. He has given his active contribution in World Buddhist Conference to Dr. Milind Jiwane. After completion of his tenure to Government service, just he retired from his job. The friend circle of Dhengre has been organized his "Felicitation Ceremony" under chairperson-ship of Hon. Chandrabodhi Patil, National President of The Buddhist Society of India on January 30, 2015 at 6.30 PM at Nagpur (India). On this occasion The Buddhist Society of India's National General Secretary Hon. V S Mokhale (Mumbai), Dr Milind Jiwane, Girdhar Gopal Saxena (Bareli, UP), Ashok Gotekar, Nitin Gajbhiye, Adv. D.B.Wankar, Heera Shende, Dhirendra Chahande (Ex Dy. Mayor), etc. personalities & lot of his well wishers were present.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

*** “Jan Gan Man Adhi Nayak Jaya He…” - National Song should be stopped and to proceed as “Budhang Saranag Gacchami”............!

*** “Jan Gan Man Adhi Nayak Jaya He…” - National Song should be stopped and to proceed as “Budhang Saranag Gacchami”............!

                                                                                             *** Dr. Milind P. Jiwane                                                                                                                    National Chairman, Civil Rights Protection Cell   
Ravindranath Tagore’s composed Bengali song Jan Gan Man Adhi Nayak Jaya He… ,”we the people of Indians always song it as it was declared as our “National  Song /Anthem.” No doubt, this song was composed by Ravindranath for the praise of 5th Pancham George, an English Ruler. This is the one fact. But we must know another fact too. Who requested Ravindranath to compose such a “Praise Song and Why? “ This question is also most important to know by the every Indians. This is their rights too. Naturally, we pointed out Indians vision on the Congress Top Leaders’ illegal activities, and those who specially related with Brahmins and upper Caste category. They were very eager to run the Government after getting independent the country. Most of the upper Caste leaders were surrendered before the English Rulers and not only these they made so many wrongs. Even though they declared as a Freedom Fighters of India and taking lot of gains and facilities of the Government after got the independent to our country.   
We must know the meaning of “Jan Gan Man Adhi Nayak Jaya He…..”  I don’t like to express its meaning in here now. Yes, I will post its meaning in separately. But when you heard it or know it, you definitely hate our so called Freedom Fighters and political leaders, whose name and fame hanging on our administrative as well as media wall. I don’t go deep in the character of Ravindranath, Pandit Nehru or Mh. Gandhi now. Because I presenting my today’s topic on different way.
Someone demanding that “Jan Gan Man Adhi Nayak Jaya He…,” a national song should be stopped and to declare a song as “Vande Mataram.” Yes, I am admitting that this national song should be stopped to song it by the Indians.  But why, Vande Mataram should be accepted it as our national song. Is this song related with “Bharat Mata?” This is my simple question. Can they make available its Hindi or English translation before the Indians. Mr. Bakimchandra Chaterjee’s composed this song is praising of “Durga Devi,” where he wrote her beauty only. There is not included any welfare of people or the country. Even there is not mentioned the feelings of Indian concept. This song is totally related with the God Theory or concept. In another way, how they plant the Brahmanism theory on large mass of Indians.
Friends, I recommend the National song should be declared to “Budhang Saranag Gacchami”.....! Why…?  First no one can dare to against the Buddha’s concept or theory. i.e. “Bahujan Hitay … Bahujan Sukhay….”  Buddha Vandana is not the religion song. What is the meaning of five precepts?  What is the meaning of “Sabba Pa Passa Akararang…” You must know it. It is for all the society and not only for the limited one. You can see the welfare of society and man. If I will get good comments on these views, I write details on it…. After that we forward our demands to President of India & Prime Minister of India and concerned authorities.
Bhavatu Sabba Mangalam ……

@   @   @   @   @

Monday 26 January 2015

Republic Day celebrated at Sanvidhan Square Nagpur (India)

Struggle for Justice Group's youngsters Ajay Gajbhiye, Aman Kamble, Chandrashekhar, Pradhna Salwatkar, Malti Dongre, Jay Agalave etc invited Hanumantrao Upare, Dr Milind Jiwane, Dr. Krishna Kamble , Er Dilip Ambade at Sanvidhan Square, Nagpur for celebrating "Republic Day 2015." As these group invitation, the day celebrated by paying homoge to Dr Ambedkar, Father of Indian Constitution & India-ism Mission

Hanumantrao Upare, Dr Milind Jiwane, Dr Krishna Kamble, Er Dilip Ambade paying tribute to Dr. Ambedkar at Sanvidhan Square, Nagpur

             Dr Milind Jiwane & Hanumantrao Upare at Sanvidhan Square, Nagpur..

Dr. Milind Jiwane & Hanumantrao Upare , Er Dilip Ambade seen at Sanvidhan Square, Nagpur

Sunday 25 January 2015

Happy Republic day .....

*** Barak Obama’s visit… Why not Dr. Ambedkar Memorial, 26, Alipore Road……!

*** Barak Obama’s visit… Why not Dr. Ambedkar Memorial, 26, Alipore Road……!
Today the president of America (USA) Mr. Barak Obama arrived India on his highly anticipated three days landmark trip along with a sizeable delegation that included several officials, as well as First Lady Michelle Obama. Mr. Obama is traveling to India at the invitation of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. First of all, we should be welcome them. But some political parties have been boycotted. It is shameful for us. Neither these un-brain political parties have a future vision of India or welfare of Indian society. They are playing the dirty political gain only. Due to such types of un-brain policies of this ruler as well as opposition parties’ vision, we could not developed “Indian Feelings” to our people.
As Mr. Obama is well qualified and matured politician of Global Supreme Power country. Every politician should think to develop good relation with neighbors as well as developed countries. So it will be helpful for making global peace and welfare of the nation. India became independent on August 15, 1947 and Republic on January 26, 1950. It has passed above 65 years, even though we could not change the caste, creed, color etc. mentality of our society. Why…!  Because it is not seen a single leader of Indian politics, who was or are honest, dedicated, devoted to the nation and the society. Due to this draw back mentality of our politicians, we could not make India as a Nation. Now India is only a country.  Who is responsible for this….!
Indian Government has given guard of honor to Mr. Obama. Even the government has planned to visit Mh. Gandhi’s Rajghat. We have no objection for this. But Mr. Obama’s visit why not organized to Dr. Ambedkar Memorial, 26, Alipore Road, New Delhi. As Dr Ambedkar , Father of Indian Constitution as well as India-ism Mission. Dr Ambedkar was a student of Colombia University USA, where his memories has been kept preserved and stone planted their by naming “Symbol of Knowledge” and Mr. Obama came from there.  So it is the duty of Mr. Narendra Modi and his associates to plan the visit of Mr. Obama in Dr. Ambedkar Memorial, 26, Alipore Road, New Delhi to honor them as like Gandhi memorial. But neither Congress nor BJP has given justice to Dr.Ambedkar as he declared No. one Global supreme personality by the International experts.
Now we can expect by the Mr. Modi’s BJP Government, will they plan the visit of Mr. Obama to Dr Ambedkar Memorial and honor them. If not, So Mr. Modi and his BJP government will be responsible for condemn. Where is Mr. Ramdas Athawale, who always begging for Cabinet Ministry before Mr. Modi…. ! Where is Mr. Udit Raj…!  Where are Mr. Ram Vilas Paswan and so many so called Ambedkarites politicians and leaders…! Why they kept their mouth close or mum….! Shame … Shame …. Shame………!
*** Dr. Milind P. Jiwane                                                                                                                              
National Chairman, Civil Rights Protection Cell                                    

Sunday 18 January 2015

Srilanka President Hon.Maithripala Sirisena visited Buddha Temple.

Recently the newly elected President of Srilanka Hon. Maithripala Siriisena visited The Buddha Temple of Colombo, Srilanka. The International President of Mahabodhi Society of Srilanka Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero, who welcomed them. At that time Holy Father of Chusrch was present. Last year, Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation (India) has been awarded their prestigious International Award named "Sakyamuni Buddha International Award" to Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero. Recently Myself Dr Jiwane visited Srilanka for the participation of International Buddhists Conference, where Dr Jiwane met with Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero at Anuradhapur.

Recently the newly elected President of Srilanka Hon. Maithripala Siriisena visited The Buddha Temple of Colombo, Srilanka. The International President of Mahabodhi Society of Srilanka Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero, who welcomed them. At that time Holy Father of Church was present..

Recently the newly elected President of Srilanka Hon. Maithripala Siriisena visited The Buddha Temple of Colombo, Srilanka. The International President of Mahabodhi Society of Srilanka Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero, who welcomed them. At that time Holy Father of Church was present..

Dr Milind Jiwane visited Srilanka for the participation of International Buddhists Conference, where Dr Jiwane met with Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero at Anuradhapur.

Dr Milind Jiwane visited Srilanka for the participation of International Buddhists Conference, where Dr Jiwane met with Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero at Anuradhapur.

Ashwaghosh Buddhists Foundation (India) has awarded their presigious International Award named "Sakyamuni Buddha International Award" has been given to Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Mahathero by the hand of Cabinet Minister Hon. Sharma & Dr. Milind Jiwane.

Monday 12 January 2015

Mazari Buddha Vihar Anniversary & Women Empowerment Workshop Organized at Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur

Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
- Mrs. Punam Gharde

Audience in  Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
-  Mrs. Punam Gharde

Adv. Smita Kamble delivered her lecturer on Women Empowerment and audience seen.
* * *   Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
-  Mrs. Punam Gharde

Adv. Smita Kamble demonstrated on projecter screen the topic of Women Empowerment and audience seen.
* * *   Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
-  Mrs. Punam Gharde

Adv. Smita Kamble delivered her lecturer on Women Empowerment and audience seen.

* * *   Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
-  Mrs. Punam Gharde

Women Empowerment Team demonstrated the practical of martial art and its importance
*** Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
- Mrs. Punam Gharde

Women Empowerment Team demonstrated the practical of martial art and its importance
*** Bhimai Women Committee , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist. Nagpur celebrated their Buddha Vihar Anniversary and Silver Jubilee Ceremony. On that occasion , they organized Women Empowerment Workshop, who addressed by Adv. Smita Kamble on behalf of Dr Ambedkar International Mission & Ambedkar Association of North America (AANA) on January 11, 2015. On that occasion following dignitaries were present. 
* Blessing : Ven. Dr. Gunwardhan Bodhi Thero 
* Inauguration : Hon. D. M. Gondhale (Police Inspector, Veltur)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Upendra Shende , Ex MLA
- Hon. Ravi Patil (Film Artist)
- Adv. Smita Kamble
- Kavi Suryabhan Shende 
- Hon. Ashok Daiphode (Film Producer)
- Mrs. Sushama Kalamkar'
- Mrs. Punam Gharde

Monday 5 January 2015

Dr. Milind Jiwane has been felicitated by Special Achievement Award 2014 at Nagpur (India)

Dr. Milind Jiwane has been felicitated by Special Achievement Award 2014 by the hand of Hon. Aman Kamble and the said program organized by Dr Babasaaheb Ambedkar Doctors' Association Nagpur on December 21, 2014 at Nagpur (India)

Sunday 4 January 2015

Dr Milind Jiwane's New Year 2015 activities started .....

Ven. Vishwakirti from Sarnath & Nitin Savane (Mumbai) specially came to Nagpur on January 4, 2015 along with Ravindra Wane for meeting with Dr Milind Jiwane. Recently Nitin Savane & Ven. Vishwakirti has been invited Dr Jiwane to Karanje Dist Sangali for the inauguration of Buddha Vihar Renovation on December 27, 2014. Due to Dr Jiwane's previous busy schedule, he could not attend this holy ceremony. Last year Dr Jiwane has donated lot of Dhamma books to them for spreading Buddhism & Ambedkarism mission. On that time Er. Deelip Ambade (Executive Engineer) , Suryabhan Shende etc friends were present. On that meeting , they discussed on various issues of Dhamma activities.

Vasundhara Charitable Society is running the Girls Hostel at Vaishali Nagar Nagpur. They participated with their project at Nagpur Municpal Corporation's organized Udyojagata Melava (Small Scale Industries Exhibition) at Kasturchand Park Ground from 28-12-2014 to 4-01-2015. The organizer team invited Dr Jiwane to visit their stall. So Dr Milind Jiwane along with his friends Er. Deelip Ambade (Executive Engineer) , Suryabhan Shende on Jauary 4, 2015 and taste their prepared Zunka Bhakar. On that occasion Nagesh Patil, Sachin Ramteke, Rajesh Hadke, Manosh Patil, Harsha Patil, Madhuri Ramteke, Manjusha Gotekar, Meena Patil , Smita Hadke, Sunita Patil, Madhuri rangari has welcomed them.

*** Bheemabai Ambedkar Women's Council , Mazari Tah. Kuhi Dist - Nagpur (Regd.)
*** Anniversary of Mazari Buddha Vihar & Silver Jubilee of Women Council.
We glad to inform you that, we are going to celebrate "Anniversary of Mazari Buddha Vihar & Silver Jubilee of Women Council" on Sunday , dated January 11, 2014 at 10.30 AM. On that occasion, following dignitaries will be present.
* Blessing : Ven. Gunwardhan Bodhi 
Ven. Nag Deepankar
* Inauguration : Hon. Chandrashekhar Bawankule (Ministry of Energy , Govt. of Maharashtra)
* Chairperson : Dr. Milind Jiwane
* Chief Guests : Hon. Sudhir Parawe , MLA
* Guest of Honors : Hon. Amar Ramteke (AIR)
Hon. Sidharth Gaikwad (Social Welfare Officer)
Mrs. Nisha Sawarkar (Chairman, ZP, Nagpur)
Adv. Smita Kamble (Women Empowerment Activist)
Er. Ashok Shambharkar (Ex Chief Engineer)
Hon. Upendra Shende (Ex MLA)
Adv. G S Kawale,
Adv. Deelip Ramteke
Iqbal Husen,
Mrs. Punam Gharade
Mrs. Seema Wase
*** Adv. Smita Kamble's speech : on Women Empowerment.
*** Poet Gathering : Chairperson : Kavi Suryabhan Shende
*** Folk Artist Gathering : In presence of Sriram Shahir, Parasram Shahir
With Best Complimnets From :
All the members of Convener Committee.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Late Wamanrao Godbole's 93rd Birth Day Celebrated at Shantivan, Chicholi Nagpur on January 1, 2015.

The Indian Buddhist Council has been celebrated 93rd Birth Day of Late DhammaSenani Wamanrao Godbole, Chief Orgnizer of Dhamma Deeksha Ceremony 1956, whose responsibility has been given by Bodhisatva Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar at Shantivan , Chincholi on January 1st 2015..Dr Milind Jiwane was in Chairperson and Shekhar Godbole, Sanjay Patil , Nilesh Shambharkar were Special Guests. Manik Nikose conducted the program while Manohar Bhange expressed the vote of Thanks.

Dr Milind Jiwane paying tribute to Ralics of Bodhisatva Dr. Ambedkar at Shantivan, Chincholi and Shekar Godbole, Sanjay Patil seen.

Dr Milind Jiwane paying tribute to Ralics of Bodhisatva Dr. Ambedkar at Shantivan, Chincholi and Shekar Godbole, Sanjay Patil seen.

Dr Milind Jiwane doing at pooja Shantivan, Chincholi and Shekar Godbole, Sanjay Patil seen.

Dr Milind Jiwane paying tribute to Ralics of Late Wamanrao Godbole at Shantivan, Chincholi and Shekar Godbole, Sanjay Patil seen

Dr Milind Jiwane paying tribute by flowers on portrait of Bodhisatva Dr. Ambedkar at Shantivan, Chincholi.